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Court challenge to halt city`s planned closure of the Warwick Early Morning Market

11 July 2009

"Barrow traders challenge city", The Mercury, Tanya Broughton.

The Early Morning Market Traders Association who have brought three court orders against the Ethekwini Municipality to allow informal traders into the market to trade, has been awarded costs which means the city must pay the legal costs. Members of the EMMA have been making contributions to pay for a lawyer to take up their case to oppose eviction and to challenge the city’s exclusion of market traders, and others who work in the market on the basis of a permit system which has seen many traders denied the right to continue earn a living. (StreetNet 16/07/09)

The Provincial Task Team formed by KZN Provincial Government to mediate in the dispute between Ethekwini Municipality and Early Morning Market informal traders has extended the deadline for submissions to be made by stakeholders until Friday 17th July. Last week the WCCA Campaign task team collected signatures from barrow pushers and street traders for petitions that state clearly "We are opposed to the development of the proposed R400 million shopping mall on the market site" but not development. The petitions were delivered to the PTT. The EMMA and Social Movements Indaba have also made submissions to the PTT. (StreetNet 16/07/09)


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