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StreetNet’s advocacy work is to take the guidelines and demands of street and market vendors to spaces of negotiation and decision making on rights policies.

The battle to guarantee the rights of street vendors in countries takes place at the municipal level, which regulates the use of public space and also at the national level, where public policies for guaranteeing labor rights and social security are established.

That is why StreetNet supports its affiliated organizations in their daily work of lobbying to influence governments to recognize and legitimize the contribution of street vending to countries’ economies, to decriminalize this profession and to ensure decent work and social protection for these workers.

As an international organization representing the street vending sector among organizations from the world of work that represent workers in the informal economy, StreetNet does advocacy work in multilateral spaces such as the International Labor Organization – ILO, mainly every June at the International Labor Conference – ILC and also in the United Nations – UN, especially in the Habitat human settlement program that agreed in 2015 on the New Urban Agenda – NUA, where we collectively focus on the countless allied actors gathered on the Global Platform to the Right to the City – GPR2C for country implementation.

StreetNet President Lorraine Sibanda addressing the 107th Session of the International Labor Conference in Geneva, 2018