
StreetNet regularly develops campaigns to defend the rights of informal economy workers. These campaigns are often done in cooperation with our partners around key dates for workers (e.g. May Day, World Day for Decent Work) or major events (e.g. World Class Cities for All campaigns around the FIFA World Cups).

The most important campaign of the year is the annual campaign for the International Day of Street Vendors, November 14.

Past Campaigns

International Women’s Day 2024 #IWD24 #RatifyC190

Being a woman street vendor is a dangerous job. Women working in public spaces, like ourselves, face violence and harassment from authorities, customers, criminals and even our own families.  Yet, street vending is often the best alternative available for us to support our families.   ILO Convention 190 on Violence and Harassment in the World of Work has recognized

International Women’s Day 2023

As we move towards our 7th International Congress, we want to celebrate one of the pillars of StreetNet International: women’s leadership.  This March 8, join us in highlighting and celebrating women’s empowerment and leadership from across the world. From Benin to Nepal, women leaders are changing the lives of street vendors and informal traders! Watch the

Food Safety Day 2023

Why are street vendors agents of food safety?  They are the ones selling accessible food to the most vulnerable communities, especially in urban areas.  Despite this central role, the vendors are often subjected to violence and harassment in their workplace. The lack of labour rights can have a detrimental effect on the quality of the


The actions of StreetNet International and its affiliates are an illustration of solidarity and the power of collective action by informal economy workers in times of crisis.

MAY DAY 2022 – Busting Myths About Street Vendors

Street vendors are often discriminated against due to prejudices against their work. But street vendors are essential workers for many urban communities across the world, and we want our voices to be heard!

Informal cross-border trade best practices

StreetNet International organised a series of webinars between March and June 2021 to discuss the topic of informal cross border trade, in the region of West and Central Africa, where this activity is pivotal. Following up from the webinars, the affiliates undertook a series of activities, developed best practices and guidelines. Each group tackled a

May Day 2021

May Day 2021 | Investments in social and labour protection are needed for economic recovery

World Day for Decent Work 2020

For World Day for Decent Work (#WDDW2020​) we asked our members what decent work meant for them as street vendors and informal traders. What we created together is a rallying cry to provide social protection, a fair salary, and safe workplaces for street vendors and other informal economy workers!

2 Billion Strong: Recovery Starts With Us!

The campaign “2 Billion Strong: Recovery Starts With Us” is based on the joint statement “COVID-19 and the World’s Two Billion Informal Economy Workers”, calling on governments to partner with informal economy workers for relief, recovery and resilience efforts.      

Decent Work Day 2022

October 7th is Decent Work Day! In the whole world workers, trade unions and labor associations get together for initiatives to protect the right to decent and safe work. What does Decent Work mean? Decent work is a productive work that delivers fair income, entails security in the workplace, social protection, opportunity for personal development and social integration, freedom for people to organize, express their