2 – 5 October 2008
2010 FIFA World Cup
6.1 SADC should commit to making the 2010 FIFA World Cup, which will be held in South Africa, into a SADC event;
6.2 SADC, SATUCC and StreetNet share a mutual commitment to ensure that the 2010 FIFA World Cup benefits the well-being of all the citizens of SADC, including all the workers of SADC, of whom the majority are to be found in the informal economy.
6.3 SADC member states should undertake to respect the rights of all the workers in the region (incuding those working in the informal economy) in all processes leading up to and during the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
6.4 The provisions of the 2010 FIFA Framework Agreement currently under negotiation between the NEDLAC parties in South Africa (government, business, labour and the community constituency) and the FIFA LOC (Local Organising Committee) should be extended to apply in all the SADC member states.