Street vendors celebrate International Street Vendors Day and demand inclusive central legislation, representative voice and adequate social protection

By StreetNet International
November 20, 2012
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NASVI to accelerate process of forming Asia level Alliance of Street Vendors

National Association of Street Vendors of India A large number of street vendors under the banner of the National Association of Street Vendors of India (NASVI) on Wednesday responded enthusiastically to the solidarity call of Durban based StreetNet International, a global collective of street vendor organizations working in Latin America, Africa and Asia, celebrating International Street Vendors Day in different cities and towns. NASVI announced that it would accelerate the process of forming an Asia level Alliance of Street Vendors to spearhead the street vendor movement in the continent.

NASVI is the Asia focal point of the StreetNet International. The international solidarity action held on Wednesday also marked the tenth anniversary of the inception of StreetNet. The street vendors in Delhi and other centers held meetings, rallies and demonstrations and formed human chains celebrating the contribution of street vendors to national economies as well as the society at large. The theme of the celebration was Accelerate Organising and Fight for Representative Voice & Livelihood and Social Security Rights.

In Delhi, the day witnessed street vendors wearing slogans and monogram dotted colorful t-shirts in different markets and forming human chain at historic India Gate with slogan ‘Get Organized, Fight for Inclusive Central Law for Livelihood and Social Security Rights Protection’. The celebration action was a source of huge attraction for thousands of visitors who throng India Gate daily to delight and enjoy. The women and the youth vendors joining the human chain with their own trolleys and carts provided the solidarity action an amazing picture.

Addressing the vendors at the India Gate, NASVI national coordinator Arbind Singh said that the street vendors are workers with the same right to organisation, representation and social protection as other workers and they do need inclusive central legislation, responsive governance and adequate social protection. “We are proud that the day comes when the struggle of street vendors of India under the banner of NASVI has yielded positive results and the Indian Government has committed itself to bring in an inclusive national legislation," NASVI national coordinator said.

He said, “ it is necessary to realize that the street vendors across globe have common challenges and needs and these can be met effectively only through large scale organizing, wider networking and high pitched advocacy with urban bodies, national governments and the United Nations bodies as well as institutions like International Labour Organisation”. He announced that NASVI had been in close touch with the street vendor organizations active in several Asian countries and it would accelerate the process of forming an Asia level Alliance of Street Vendors to spearhead the street vendor movement in the continent. He described the International Street Vendors Day as a day providing inspirational energy to the organisations working for livelihood democracy and participative democracy of millions of street vendors in numerous countries. He hoped that the day would also assist the movement for national legislations in different countries.

Pour plus d’information, priere de contacter:

Vinod Simon,
Directeur des programmes,
Association Nationale des Vendeurs de Rue de l’Inde (NASVI)
Bureau de Coordination
6 School Lane
New Delhi-110001
Mob: +91 8010575800 / +91 9711915819

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