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Gas attack on the market "Barabashovo" of Kharkiv city (Eastern Ukraine) continues

Victims of gas attack at "Barabashovo" marketThe confrontation between the administrations of the Kharkov market "Barabashovo" and a trade union group continues. This was mainly because the local trade union did not agree to pay additional fees, that was not specified in the contracts.

On August 14, 2013 traders of "Barabashovo" market which is where the primary trade union organisation unites around 100 union members. They are affiliated to the Free Trade Union of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine (FTUEU). They arrived at their work places as usual but were interrupted when chaos broke out. They smelled a very strong unpleasant smell and after a while their state of health started to deteriorate. Four traders felt really very ill, and one woman was hospitalised.

Deputy Chairman of Primary Trade Union of Market Vendors TU Riasniankiy A.AThe ambulance, police and emergency services were called. “The sanitary epidemic station refused to come, citing the fact that the employees will not drag an entire laboratory to the market,” commented a disappointed trader who called them. Experts were not able to find the composition of gas that was the cause of the problem. However it was noted, that this was neither natural gas, nor chlorine or ammonia.

On August 15, locks from the stores that belong to the trade union activists were filled with glue again. Andrew Ilgov, the leader of the local union of the Free Trade Union of Entrepreneurs, believes that these threats made previously by the market’s administration to create an unbearable atmosphere around the independent trade union center to get rid of its leader. However, as a trade union leader highlighted, the effect intended has reversed. People have become more active in showing solidarity and resistance towards non-democracy.


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