Moldova-Business-Sind holds Social Solidarity Economy Workshop
On February 25-28, 2015, at the sanatorium Bucuria-Sind Ltd., the Federation of Trade Unions Moldova-business-sind held a workshop on “Social Solidarity Economy”. The activity was also attended by representatives of the trade union of workers of trade, public catering, consumer cooperatives, hotel and restaurant services SindLUCAS (IUF affiliate).
Thirty two representatives of primary trade union organisations from 12 districts, including ATO Gagaziya and Chisinau and Belts cities also attended.This activity was conducted within the FLOW project, which covers 10 countries where StreetNet has its affiliates.
The purpose of the workshop was to introduce international experience in the field of social and solidarity economy for workers in the informal sector, especially street and market vendors and domestic workers.
It was the first workshop on the current subject, where the following materials have been used: ILO Reader "Social and solidarity economy: building a common understanding" (developed by the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin, published in 2010), materials of the regional workshop 2014 in Baku, as well as ILO Recommendation 202.
The workshop considered such notions, like: "Cooperatives – key actors of the social economy", "The role of the social solidarity economy and social services in the Republic of Moldova" and introduced by two facilitators: Natalia Suboci, Chairwoman of the Trade Union "MOLDOVA-BUSINESS-SIND" and Valentina Mazur Chairwoman of trade union "SindLUCAS".
During the workshop, special interest was given to discussion of the term "social solidarity economy." Workshop participants were introduced to the concept of this notion in times of a current global crisis: the confrontation with today’s challenges, such as high unemployment rates, increasing inequality, unacceptable conditions of people living in poverty and continuing global warming – oblige us to reconsider the economic and social development practices. In such conditions participants discussed, which steps should be taken to form their own economic reality by doing business and creating jobs as well as how to include in the national system of social protection the workers in the informal sector, street and market traders.
StreetNet Resolution on SSE was also discussed during the workshop. It provided a clear explanation of such issues like: social solidarity economy, trade unions and cooperatives – cooperation to achieve common goals. All the participants appreciated the workshop as they considered it to be informative and interesting. The goals have been achieved.
Natalia Suboci