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NASVI relief Lorry reaches NEPAL

National Association of Street Vendors of India (NASVI), StreetNet Affiliate and Focal Point for Asia reacted immediately as soon as they heard about the plight of Nepal, when the devastating earthquake struck on 25 April 2015. NASVI sent an appeal letter around the world for humanitarian aid to assist the affected Nepalese people.

On 17 May 2015, a truck loaded with essential supplies for more than 131 families set off on a two-day journey from Patna to Nepal.

For the injured and other earthquake-affected people in Nepal, NASVI in partnership with NIDAN and StreetNet international had sent one truck full of relief food including rice, salt, oil and pulses.

"We appreciate the quick response of our partners, coming to the aid of earthquake stricken Nepal," said Arbind Singh National Coordinator for NASVI. "The relief goods will be handed over to the Nepal Street Vendors Union (NEST) who are working hard to provide urgent help to the most vulnerable people impacted in Nepal.

The Nepal Earthquake has caused thousands of people to be displaced and injured with many sadly losing their lives. Assistance will be needed for months to come.

You can help by making a financial donation via the following bank if you are living outside of India:

Bank Details:
New Association of Street Vendors of India
Account Number: 912010047605315
IFSC Code: UTIB0000738
Branch: Jhandewala Extn

If you living in India you can donate via online
or visit this link if you live in other countries

For more information, please contact

Anurag Shanker
The National Association of Street Vendors of India (NASVI)
Program Manager
Coordination Office: 6 School Lane,
Opposite Hotel Lalit, New Delhi-110001, India,
Tel/Fax: 011- 41513014/ 41514726; Mob: +91 9810950121

Arbind Singh
National Coordinator (NASVI)
+91 9910306625


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