Message from Oksana Abboud, StreetNet International Coordinator

By StreetNet Media
December 29, 2021
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StreetNet International can proudly finish the year of 2021 and move to a new 2022 with a lot of inspiration, encouragement and plans to continue promotion of street vendors’ rights and interests globally!

We advanced so much at all levels in supporting and strengthening StreetNet Affiliates throughout the year, building their confidence and empowering women and youth while implementing different innovative activities and testing new approaches and at the same time – tackling all the challenges and obstacles on our way, including managing with COVID-19 restrictions.

We are happy to continue our cooperation with current donors and ready to multiply our achievements with a new grant from the Ford Foundation within the next five years in order to amplify our voice and recognition of informal traders in building their resilient and sustainable organizations to enable their advocacy, organizing and negotiations skills capacity.

It was a pleasure to work with StreetNet Leadership and all of you within the whole year and we are very grateful to each of you for your valuable contribution in recognizing our struggle and achievements for a better future for all Workers!

We look forward to implementing our ambitious Strategic plan focusing on windows of opportunities to bring a remarkable impact on our main constituency and prosperity of our countries.

StreetNet operation team did a wonderful job and ready for a new and interesting journey in 2022!

Happy holidays and a New Year!

Nothing for Us without Us!   

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