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WCCA Brazil- CUT calls for amendment to the General Law on the World Cup to support street vendors

15 January 2012

Writing recently to the Special Commission of the National Assembly set up to review the draft General Law on the World Cup, the United Workers’ Centre (CUT) has set out a series of proposed amendments designed to provide stronger guarantees for the protection of workers’ rights. The first clause refers to street vendors:

"The demarcation of the exclusion zones around the Official Competition venues will not prejudice the activities of autonomous street vendors who possess authorisations and /or registration in the respective municipality to undertake street trade.’

CUT justifies this proposed amendment by citing the Federal Constitution which protects acquired rights and the right to free exercise of a profession.

Other proposed amendments forwarded for consideration of the Special Commission include full guarantees for the right to demonstrate and strike, respect for the collective agreements, and a clause stipulating that all suppliers and service providers of the World Cup will require a Certificate guaranteeing that they are not using forced labour, child labour or other forms of degrading work.

CUT is also proposing that a number of tickets be reserved at reduced rates for low-income groups, including indigenous peoples, and construction workers who had been working on the stadium renovations.



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