© 2024 StreetNet International

© 2024

World Day for Decent Work: Message from President of Streetnet International – Mr Oscar Silva

President of Streetnet International, Mr Oscar SilvaIn 2008, the International Trade Union Confederation established October 7th as the day to celebrate the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW). On this day we call on all workers to hold activities and events that make visible the labour demands worldwide. Also StreetNet International with all its affiliates in the world supports these claims.

Today we are celebrating once again the Decent Work Day and on this day we should all raise our voices as workers in the informal economy, asserting our rights as workers and as worthy citizens, honest and dynamic contributors to the economies of our countries on a daily basis. No one has given us any gift, all we have achieved is with hard work and we are united worldwide, the voices of all are one through the bonds of solidarity and mutual experiences that get us together.

Let’s make this day an opportunity for us to make visible our efforts, to tell our national and local governments and all international organisations that we are active in the struggle, we are determined to contribute to make this world a better place for everyone and meet the provisions of the Decent Work Agenda.

Oscar Roberto Silva
StreetNet International


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