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7th October – Day of action

For decent work

Once more, we celebrate World Day for Decent Work this October 7. Framed in a deep economic and financial crisis worldwide, which has served as a pretext to even more precarious working conditions, job losses, and degraded the lives of millions of people and forced them into poverty.

On this date, the labor movement is united, in response to the call that for eight years the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) has done decent work and, this time, convinced that the way to guide the economy and put people at the center of policies is to strengthen the power of workers. Bringing together our forces we will unite to banish the failed policies which time and again Europe insists, as in the case of Spain, on more austerity measures, deficit and cuts which are contain in the General State Budget for 2014.

We know what this will lead to: rising unemployment, poverty and a further weakening of the welfare state.

The government continues down the wrong path. Pensioners further impoverished with the latest reform proposals, as well as the public employees and workers in general, reducing more the public resources for education, for health, for research and development, for justice, for Public Administration in general, and does not include a single measure to promote employment and economic growth .

On this day we have to raise our voice, because increasingly we are left with no future and only the undermining of our rights and freedoms. They did it with the reform of labor relations that favored corporate power and abuses and criminalization of labor relations, and now they are doing with the Penal Code reform leading to greater repression.

This kind of politics hides its true intentions, which is nothing to dismantle the welfare state and place the economy at the service of a few and not the majority of society.

This October 7 we claim to have decent, quality jobs for all, a goal that is only possible with other policies, stimulating economic activity and productive investment. It should pay particular attention to young people, now condemned to emigration or social exclusion and output compatible with the maintenance of our social protection system.

We have to defend our rights. That is why we call on all workers to participate in actions and mobilizations that are convened to mark the World Day for Decent Work.


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