14th of November: International Day of Street Vendors!

The 14th of November is the day when us street vendors from all around the world celebrate our struggle and strength. As we get here to celebrate the international street vendors day, there is the need to push for the ratification of the ILO convention 190 on the Elimination of Violence and Harassment in the […]
Streetnet International President’s Message on International Vendors Day (14 November 2016)

14 November, 2016 Comradely Greetings to you all Informal Economy Workers in the entire world. Today marks the 5th commemoration of the International Vendors Day. This is a special DAY for all informal economy workers who have become the bulk and majority of the working population across the whole world, of which the majority are […]
New Urban Agenda and perspectives for the street vendors in HABITAT III Conference
23 June 2016 By Oksana Abboud, StreetNet Media Officer The HABITAT III Conference, also known as the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development is going to be held in Quito, Ecuador, on 17-20 October 2016. Since the conference will bring together a large range of urban actors including local authorities, civil society, […]
StreetNet marks International Workers’ Day – 1 May, 2016
Happy International Workers’ DAY! International Workers Day, also known as Labour Day – is a celebration of labourers and the working classes that is promoted by the international labour movement and occurs every year on the 1st May! StreetNet Affiliates around the world mark this Day every year in different ways: from holding meetings to […]
“The City We Want” Campaign launched in South Africa
StreetNet affiliate, Ubumbano Traders’ Alliance, together with members of SASEWA (South African Self-Employed Women’s Association), representatives of minibus-taxi drivers, conductors and washers, and Abahlali base Mjondolo shack dwellers’ organisation, launched “The City we Want” Campaign in Durban, on Wednesday, 9 March 2016. They were supported by Executive Committee members of SAITA (South African Informal Traders’ […]
Greetings from StreetNet International Vice-President on the occasion of International Women’s Day
8 March, 2016 As we celebrate International Women’s Day, I bring you my sincere greetings from the StreetNet International as your Vice-President and a Board Member of the WIEGO (Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing). We will continue to look after our home family and also to fight for our rights and our two […]
Free Trade Unions of Ukraine marked a World Day for Decent Work
7 October 2015 Kyiv, Ukraine Free Trade Union of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine (FTUEU), StreetNet affiliate, in cooperation with other branch organizations affiliated to the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (KVPU), participated in the events dedicated to the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW). In addition to small entrepreneurs, representatives of railway workers, pilots, […]
StreetNet launches New Manifesto Campaign in Eastern Europe
On the 6 – 7 May 2015, leaders of StreetNet Affiliates from Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova and Ukraine met in Moldova for their Regional Meeting and to launch StreetNet’s New Manifesto Campaign. Moldova-Business-Sind hosted the event in Chisinau (Moldova). Oksana Abboud, StreetNet Organiser for Europe and Asia facilitated the regional meeting. Petru Chiriak, Vice-Chairman […]
IDEA celebrates May Day
IDEA, a StreetNet affiliate celebrated International Labour Day on the 1st May by marching with other trade unions in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. This started from the National Stadium to the Ministry of Labour. A request was made for a living wage of $177, and to also consider social protection laws that includes informal workers, greater […]
The World celebrates International Workers Day
International Workers’ Day celebrated on the First of May commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world. It is also recognition of the Global Workers Movement and people unite to express their international solidary. The history of Workers’ Day goes back to the 1886 Haymarket Affair in Chicago, where police tried to disperse […]