© 2024 StreetNet International

© 2024

Resolution 17: Commission to work on the organizational structure to strengthen internal democracy and level of representation of StreetNet International

Third StreetNet International Congress


1. That StreetNet International, since its founding or launching in 2002, has followed a comprehensive and sustained process of growth, affiliating numerous diverse organizations of workers in what is called the informal economy, such as street vendors and / or self-employed workers in countries, regions and sub-regions of Africa, Asia and the Americas, and is considering extending the its organization and affiliation program to Europe in the short and medium term.

2. That in most countries of the world the lack of jobs is increasing at alarming levels, resulting from adverse economic and market policies imposed for decades by fierce capitalism, and the neo-liberal global system, forcing millions of workers to engage in various activities within what is called the Informal Economy such as street vendors and/or self-employed workers.

3. That the increase of this mass of workers in what it is call the Informal Economy such as street vendors and / or self-employed workers, has caused various organizations (associations, cooperatives, trade unions, benefit societies, etc.) to be established to lead and represent them in their struggle to defend their labor, social and human rights; a diversity of organizations that will surely seek or be invited to join StreetNet International.

4. That the numerous organizations in Africa, Asia and the Americas that currently form part of StreetNet International have often very unequal numbers of members, which results in organizations having more representation within the organizational structures of StreetNet, with the highest number of delegates at international conferences, making it difficult to take into consideration the views or realities of the vast majority of organizations with smaller numbers of delegates, which also affects the plural and objective representation of sub-regional and regional realities when making decisions.

5. That as it is a fact in StreetNet International its member organizations are numerous and from different countries, sub-regions and regions in the world, plus the complexities arising due to the diversity of languages, cultures, distances and lack of resources to pay travel expenses of its delegates, this makes it difficult for many affiliated organizations to participate fairly, democratically and effectively in StreetNet organizational structures.

6. That the organizational structures of StreetNet International should incorporate representation in the most democratic way possible, of the plurality, diversity, interests and efforts to improve the social and economic working conditions of workers organizations in what is called the Informal Economy, such as street vendors and / or self-employed workers in countries, sub-regions and regions of Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe.


To create a special commission that within a period not exceeding one (1) year, will create and submit a proposal for statutory reform intended to result in a more democratic, pluralistic and representative pattern of participation of the various organizations, countries, sub-regions and regions in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe in the organizational structures of StreetNet International.

That StreetNet should adopt an international policy with regard to the youth in this sector, to guide its actions and interventions at all levels:

– to encourage the participation of young workers in the informal economy associated with promoting visible actions and solutions to their specific problems (vulnerability to HIV contamination among others);

– to promote the insertion of young workers in the organisation, actions and collective leadership;

– to create and consolidate youth structures at all levels, responsible for issues of young workers, capable of initiating collective actions by the youth and conducting research to nourish collective decision-making structures;

– to conceive of programmes and services for the benefit of the youth;

– to encourage the creation of programmes and initiatives to offer services that would tackle problems of the youth in meeting their specific expectations;

It is imperative that StreetNet should create a Youth Committee or Department to face the current challenges as a process of strengthening organisational capacity and intervening collectively as a way of renewing continuity.




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