© 2024 StreetNet International

© 2024

Resolution 31: the creation of UTREIN


  1. In August 2015, members of StreetNet constituents of the Focal Point of Americas gathered in the city of San Pedro Sula, Honduras, and using the space and financial resources of StreetNet, formed a parallel organization to the Regional structure of StreetNet Americas (Regional Focal Point), called UTREIN-IBEROAMERICA, putting at risk the unity of StreetNet.
  2. Since its foundation in 2002, StreetNet International has instruments that legitimize its existence and operation, such as the Constitution Act, Statutes, Congress, International Council, International Executive Committee, Regional Focal Points and grassroots organizations.
  3. All this legal structure is worthy of respect, loyalty, fidelity and commitment to the goals and purposes for which it was created.
  4. All affiliated members are required to uphold and fully comply with the statutes, mainly the authorities in leadership positions in the organization
  5. The International Congress of StreetNet is obliged to comply with and enforce its statutes and Resolutions, particularly when actions threaten the unity and solidarity of workers.

  • In accordance with the Constitution of Street Net, we demand from its elected authorities, more diligence in the guard and protection of the organization, the unity and integrity of self-employed workers, taking appropriate actions when its leaders put the organization at risk.
  • The congress also resolved to appoint an investigation commission to look at the special meeting held in Honduras which was alleged to be formation of UTREIN as a parallel regional structure to Street Net. The commission will investigate the proceedings and also will give a report on whether it has breached the constitution of Street Net.
  • The congress resolved that those who have governing responsibilities in the organisation with conflict of interest with Street Net as the result of the investigation by the investigation commission cannot be candidates for bodies of StreetNet governance.

Proposed by: CTCP-FNT, Nicaragua

Seconded by: UGTI, Colombia


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