Resolution 32: the creation of a Mechanism of Training of StreetNet International

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  1. Since its founding in 2002, StreetNet International has developed a broad and sustained process of growth, affiliating numerous and various workers´ organizations located in the Informal Economy, such as street vendors, market workers and/or self-employed workers in countries, regions and sub-regions in Africa, Asia, America, and Europe.


  1. The process of organizational development of StreetNet International has increased the number of members in the world, making necessary to consolidate its social base through a training process and union training to strengthen their management skills, advocacy and defense of political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights.


  1. StreetNet currently does not have a body that promotes, directs, controls and follows up the training process of self-employed workers.


  • To create a mechanism of training of workers affiliated to organizations who are members of StreetNet international.
  • The Executive Committee can assign responsibility to any member of the International Council and he/she will coordinate the training activities with organisations who are members through regional focal points.
  • Financial resources and materials needed to meet the implementation of the Training system has to the discussed in the International Council.


Proposed by:   CTCP-FNT, Nicaragua

Seconded by:

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5th International Congress