Resolution 32: the creation of a Mechanism of Training of StreetNet International
- Since its founding in 2002, StreetNet International has developed a broad and sustained process of growth, affiliating numerous and various workers´ organizations located in the Informal Economy, such as street vendors, market workers and/or self-employed workers in countries, regions and sub-regions in Africa, Asia, America, and Europe.
- The process of organizational development of StreetNet International has increased the number of members in the world, making necessary to consolidate its social base through a training process and union training to strengthen their management skills, advocacy and defense of political, economic, social, cultural and environmental rights.
- StreetNet currently does not have a body that promotes, directs, controls and follows up the training process of self-employed workers.
- To create a mechanism of training of workers affiliated to organizations who are members of StreetNet international.
- The Executive Committee can assign responsibility to any member of the International Council and he/she will coordinate the training activities with organisations who are members through regional focal points.
- Financial resources and materials needed to meet the implementation of the Training system has to the discussed in the International Council.
Proposed by: CTCP-FNT, Nicaragua
Seconded by: