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Resolution 34: the Privatisation of Markets

Street and markets vending represent 65% of the activities of the informal sector which occupies almost 83% in Senegal. Thus, since the events; since the painful clashes between the police and street vendors in 2007, the vending situation in general and that of small traders has remained stationary.

The Government and the municipal authorities have never agreed on the strategy to adopt in order to definitely resolve the Street and market trade. Each party is using its own strategies to render its players the real political victims. Stuck between inhuman maneuvers and the relocation unfulfilled promises it is due to the privatization of all shopping centers built solely for political reasons with a few exceptions, small traders don’t know any more to what saint they would go to for intercession.

Noting that workers in the informal economy need institutional support to realize their formalization, towards the transition

Noting that the decent work conditions of space acquisition are very difficult for these actors

Noting the lack of government willingness for recognition of these workers, the liberation of markets,

Noting that the privatization of new built markets hardly promote the flourishing of small traders,

Noting that leaving themselves alone, these poor workers can no longer defend their cause against the authorities,


That effective support strategies be established by authorities,

That informal actors be also flexible in negotiations with the authorities,

That StreetNet effectively supports its affiliates in the struggle for the defence of the interests and rights of their members through close assistance

That all StreetNet affiliates join their forces in common struggles by regional advocacy and lobbying that could positively impact against the authorities of our respective countries.

Proposed by: CNTS, Senegal

Seconded by:


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