This Seventh International Congress of StreetNet:
- StreetNet International (SNI) Resolution 19 on the SSE adopted in 2010.
- That since 2010 there have been many SSE successes within our sector, but that we still have a long way to go in implementing our Resolution 19.
- The Resolution and Conclusions Concerning Decent Work and Social Solidarity Economy as discussed in the 110th International Labour Conference (ILC) in 2022.
- The core principles and values of the SSE as embracing, among others: trust; solidarity; teamwork; sharing; democratic management; mutual support and help; as well as benefit to the community. This contrasts with the core values of the dominant capitalist economy which reflects exploitation of labour; profit and power accumulation by the few; and competition at the expense of others.
- That the SSE is best directed and shaped by those who have direct experience of it, and that as workers of the informal economy we need to take ownership of its implementation, especially at national level.
- SSE should be acknowledged as an important means for informal economy workers to reduce vulnerability and have a decent livelihood in line with the principles of decent work.
- As StreetNet International and its affiliates, to step up our efforts to promote the concept of the Social and Solidarity Economy amongst our members through worker education and media.
- As SNI to facilitate exchanges and sharing of information on our experience of the SSE through activities including exchange visits and sharing online, and the creation of a “hub” of information exchange on the SSE.
- As part of building up our knowledge of the SSE, SNI to collect case studies and conduct research into good national policies and/or legislation, with the support of like-minded organizations that work toward shared goals.
- As SNI to encourage and support affiliates to develop new forms of collective bargaining on SSEs through ILO mechanisms at national, regional, and international levels.
- As StreetNet International affiliates, to use Resolution and Conclusions Concerning Decent Work and Social Solidarity Economy as discussed in 2022, as a guide to our demands to our governments for recognition and support.
- SNI provides the necessary training including financial literacy as well as the use of information technology to facilitate and promote sustainable implementation of SSEs among SNI affiliates.
Proposed by: the 7th Congress Commission on Social Solidarity Economy and Cooperatives Building
Seconded by: the 7th StreetNet Congress delegates