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FUTRAND (Federación Unica de Trabajadores No Dependientes)

National UnionTypes of organization:


NoMembership to a national trade union center
National UnionTypes of organization:


NoMembership to a national trade union center

FUTRAND (Federación Unica de Trabajadores No Dependientes)

Date of creation: November 28th, 1992

Aims: It consists of unions and/or associations of workers who work in self-employed activities in the informal economy, without distinction of race, sex, religion, politics, as long as they express in writing their determination to join
and commit to comply and enforce the statutes.

The Federation will represent all affiliates of unions and association who are part of the Federation and intervene in all matters relating to work and other that arise. The Federation will make all efforts to defend its affiliates without prejudice to the internal autonomy of each organization.

Its goals are:

  • The study of socio-economic conditions of the members, and the defense, education and training of members.
  • Represent all members before both civil and military authorities.
  • Fight for improvements of all workers´ socio-economic conditions.
  • Request the creation of centers for: literacy, primary education, secondary education, technical and artisan training.
  • Broader relations with all unions in the country and organizations that defend workers.
  • Create among members a greater sense of responsibility for their children and demand the state efficient measures in benefit of abandoned children, promotion of education and good manners.
  • Build between members a heightened feeling of brotherhood and responsability of compliance, as worker, parent and Venezuelan, with individual, family and society moral principles.

To fully comply with these provisions, the Federation, within the national territory, will aim, in addition to the obligations and rights enshrined in the Constitution and the Organic Labour Law and its Regulations, to represent its members in the struggles to conquer the following goals:

  • Convene the Ordinary and Extraordinary Assemblies regularly.
  • Faithfully carry tasks or commisions that are asigned in Assembly
  • Unification of workers in defense of their economic, social and cultural interests. The union will preserve at all times its freedom and independence against the state, against the government, against political parties and before any other force that would violate the sovereignty emanating from workers´ free will

Short history:

History of FUTRAND:
The XV World Congress of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions ICFTU was held on March 17-24, 1992 in Caracas. The central theme was “Work in the Informal Economy”. Among the conclusions, Central Obrera C.T.V. made the commitment to create a Federation of Workers in the Informal Economy, and in such a way, the organization FUTRAND was created in the National Congress, held on November 28th, 1992.

With the participation of leaders of organizations of workers in the informal economy of all states of the country and the President of C.T.V., Federico Ramirez; Federación Única de Trabajadores No Dependientes y Afines de Venezuela FUTRAND was constituted with 5 unions and 4 associations.


There were many drawbacks to register in the Labour Inspectorate, but after much insistence of workers affiliated to FUTRAND, the organization was legalized and registered in the Directorate of the National Inspectorate and Collective Labour Affairs, with N° 315, Folio N° 177 in the Registry Book. From that moment, we use, as a legal basis, Art. 40 of Labour Law (Ley Orgánica del Trabajo) which protect all workers who do not depend on an employer and self-manage its activity, and allow to enter into agreements, similar to collective agreements, as well as have social protection as far as possible.


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