For decades, the FES has acted as a partner to German foreign and developmental policy. Here, FES top priority has always been on the promotion of social justice, democracy, peace and security. Worldwide, FES aims to strengthen the forces of democracy, including the next generation of young politicians. In Europe, FES works towards shaping the future of the European Union and fostering the acceptance of the European idea.
An essential task of their international work is the support of independent unions. Without them, a social-ecological transformation and a just, sustainable and democratic economic system cannot be put into practice. In the course of this, they represent the interests of the German Trade Union Confederation (Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund, DGB) and its member unions abroad.
The ability to connect key players is a particular strength of FES international network, comprised of over 100 FES offices. In regional and global projects FES develops comprehensive, transnational concepts, for example in the fields of foreign and security policy or climate and energy policy. With FES platforms for dialogue, publications and consultations in Germany, they are making a contribution towards enabling the coordination of political analysis, debate and action.