KENASVIT (Kenya National Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders)
Kenya National Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders (KENASVIT) is a national alliance of street vendors, hawkers and informal traders in Kenya. KENASVIT was formed in 2005 and registered by the Registrar of Societies in February 2006. We are a membership umbrella organisation bringing together local urban associations of street vendors, hawkers and informal traders in twelve towns: Nairobi, Eldoret, Nakuru, Kisumu, Migori, Mombasa, Kitale, Busia, Kakamega, Machakos, Kisii and Keroka. KENASVIT will soon be expanding to all major towns in Kenya. The national office for KENASVIT is located in Nakuru Municipality. The Alliance is run by an elected National Executive Committee whose members are drawn from the twelve urban alliances.
KENASVIT is affiliated to StreetNet International, an organisation which brings together informal workers groups in 40 countries. We are further supported by international partners including War on Want, Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (UUSC), and Women in Informal Employment Globalizing and Organizing (WIEGO). Additionally, KENASVIT collaborates with like-minded civil society organisations, such as Kenya Land Alliance. We have working relationships with relevant government departments in the Ministries of Labour and Human Resource Development, Trade and Local Government.
The vision of the alliance is to transform street vending and informal businesses into corporate establishments.
The mission of the alliance is to organize and empower street vendors and informal traders, in order to improve their businesses through training, access to credit, dialogue with local authorities and other relevant organizations on appropriate by-laws and policies that give recognition to, and bring to an end harassment and discrimination against traders.
Target Groups
KENASVIT’s membership is composed of Kenyan street vendors, hawkers and market traders. Street vendors and informal traders contribute significantly to their local and national economies, yet they remain among the most marginalized and vulnerable of the Kenya’s workers. The informal sector in Kenya remains without legal recognition. As such, street vendors and other informal workers face harsh working conditions and inadequate earnings, and are particularly vulnerable to local and global economic shocks. These workers also face discrimination from local authorities, central government and the general public.
In addition to activities for our general membership, KENASVIT conducts activities targeting further marginalized groups within our membership, including street vendors with disabilities and women street vendors.
Since inception, KENASVIT has made great strides in achieving the following: organizing street vendors, hawkers and informal traders in twelve major towns in Kenya; advocacy and lobbying on the MSE Bill and trading sites; establishing a Micro-Credit scheme for street vendors; conducting peace and reconciliation activities following post-election violence in Kenya; capacity building for members in conflict resolution and management, negotiation skills, Revolving Loan Fund Management; facilitating dialogue meetings with local authorities to address issues facing street traders.
KENASVIT’s Urban Affiliates
- Eldoret Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders (ELASVIT)
- Kisumu Informal Traders Economic Support (KITES)
- Machakos Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders (MASVIT)
- Migori Street Vendors and Small Traders Society (MISVESTS)
- Mombasa Urban Steret Traders Alliance (MUSTA)
- Nakuru Street Traders and Hawkers Alliance (NASTHA)
- Nairobi Informal Sector Confederation (NISCOF)
- Kitale Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders (KASVIT)
- Kakamega Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders (KAKASVIT)
- Busia Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders (BUSVIT)
- Kisii Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders (KISVIT)
- Keroka Alliance of Street Vendors and Informal Traders (KEASVIT)
- Kenya-National-Alliance-for-Street-Vendors-and-Informal-Traders-KENASVIT-171434356253737
- @kenasvit
- Types of organization
- National Alliance
- Country
- Kenya
- Members
- 12000
- Women Members
- 6000
- Young Members
- 1800
- Percentage of women
- Percentage of young people
- Membership to a national trade union center
- No
- Last update