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KOSC (Korean Street Vendors Confederation)

National FederationTypes of organization:
South KoreaCountry




Women Members
NoMembership to a national trade union center
National FederationTypes of organization:
South KoreaCountry




Women Members
NoMembership to a national trade union center

KOSC (Korean Street Vendors Confederation)

Membership: Street and market vendors. Organised by regions (a region has more than 50 members) and branches (less than 50 members). KOSC was formed after street vendors held a Convention to Protect Street Vendors’ Right to Live in Seoul in 1988. The
KOSC is composed of more than 30 local federations which have their own branches, with 5 681 members. Members pay their fees to branches, branches pay a portion to their local federations, and local federations to the centre of the KOSC.

• To stop the repression against street traders and obtain the legal rights of street
vendors to earn a living;
• To stop the repression against street traders and obtain the legal rights of street
vendors to earn a living;
• To build street vendors’ unity and the legal recognition of NFSVK;
• To obtain free medical service for the poor;
• To obtain social security for the elderly;
• To acquire permanent rental housing for street vendors without homes;
• To acquire a cost of living allowance from the government for those selling their
goods for less than 180 days or who earn below minimum cost of living;
• To realise the free education for the children of street vendors;
• To acquire free credit as street vendors’ seed money from the government;
• To eliminate all laws, institutions and traditional practices which oppress street
vendors and deny them their right to free political activity;
• To eliminate underemployment which continuously creates street vendors and the
• To support social responsibility of street vendors ie 1 stall for 1 family, prohibiting
the buying or selling of a stall, cleaning near the stall;
• To work for the democratisation and unification of Korea and progress of the


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