Date of creation: September, 2000
Aims: Socio-labour protection of workers of trade, catering and other services’ spheres
Short history: The Federation was created by merging of the Republican Committee of the Trade Union of Commerce, Catering, Consumer Cooperation, Trade Union of Workers of Resort establishments and tourism, the Trade Union of Fisheries Workers, Trade Union of Grain Farming Workers and Trade Unions of Poultry Workers. The merging was caused by a relatively small number of workers in these areas after privatization in the country.
- Types of organization
- National Federation
- Country
- Azerbaijan
- Members
- 5095
- Women Members
- 3821
- Young Members
- 1274
- Percentage of women
- Percentage of young people
- Membership to a national trade union center
- Yes
- National trade union center
- Trade Union Federation of Azerbaijan
- Last update