© 2024 StreetNet International

© 2024

We are launching a crowdfunding training program!

The popularity of crowdfunding is growing, but many informal economy workers’ organizations have yet to seize upon this tool for fundraising. Now, street vendors’ organizations affiliated to StreetNet have a chance to develop their crowdfunding skills. StreetNet is launching a crowdfunding training program exclusively for its affiliates. This program will give organizations of informal traders […]

Crowdfunding for women street vendors in Bangladesh: challenges and lessons learned

Repon Chowdhury, President of Labour at Informal Economy (LIE) – StreetNet affiliate in Bangladesh – was one of the participants of the capacity-building crowdfunding pilot project. Together with his team of five members, they developed the campaign Support vulnerable women street vendors in Bangladesh. We reached out to Repon to understand what were the challenges […]

Crowdfunding for women street vendors and their families in Ghana: challenges and lessons learned

Deborah Freeman is the current General Secretary of the Union of Informal Workers Associations (UNIWA), affiliated to StreetNet International. Along with her colleague Eric, she was one of the participants of the capacity-building crowdfunding pilot project. They developed the online crowdfunding campaign “Save the lives of women informal workers & their children: Support 1000 women […]

Crowdfunding for women street vendors in Rwanda: Challenges & Lessons Learned

StreetNet is currently developing a capacity-building crowdfunding pilot project, in which several of our affiliates are learning how to build an effective campaign and support their membership. Jeanette Nyiramasengesho is one of the participants of the project, representing the Syndicat des Travailleurs Indépendants de l’Économie Informelle ), in Rwanda. Their campaign was focused on supporting […]

Online crowd funding – a new experiment of StreetNet International

Dear all You may already be aware that since January 2015, StreetNet has been operating with no office, using virtual space, with a small team of three voluntary and very part-time people and a part-time bookkeeper. But we have managed to keep up with our work of making an international impression at the level of […]

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