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Strengthening our membership base of organizations representing street and market vendors to increase their organizational capacity, internal democracy, mobilization, training, action in defense of labor rights, the right to the city and the international struggle of informal economy workers is among the central strategies of StreetNet.

Capacity building is fostered in a variety of ways, through projects to support the diverse needs of organizations, such as strengthening internal communication, social solidarity economy projects and holding strategic meetings. It is also part of the capacity-building work to jointly formulate and reflect through seminars on important topics to the sector such as: violence in the world of work, universal social security, gender inequality, transition from informality to formality, xenophobia, cross-border trade, alliances between the various sectors of the informal economy (waste pickers, home-based workers, domestic workers, etc.), among others.

Institutional strengthening of StreetNet is also part of capacity building, and it takes place in the management and monitoring of the work of the organization’s technical team, in the construction and synergy of our network in the spaces for exchange between organizations and in our decision-making bodies such as meetings of Executive Committee, the International Council and the International Congress where the governance of StreetNet takes place and we reaffirm our values ​​and principles.

Capacity-building for members of the affiliate organization the South African Informal Traders Alliance (SAITA) in Johannesburg, 2016.