© 2024 StreetNet International

© 2024

Why we exist

StreetNet International is a global organization of committed informal traders, with the goal to promote and leverage an autonomous and democratic alliance of street vendors, hawkers, and cross-border traders in 50 countries.

Group picture at the International Congress in Kyrgyzstan, 2019

Our mission

Strengthening and empowering the members’ organizations and their collective voice in the interests of:

  • improving street vendors’ and informal economy workers’ access to their human and economic rights;
  • reducing poverty and inequality, and improving the livelihoods of these workers;
  • addressing key challenges and problems facing workers in the informal economy (including issues such as access to health care, childcare, safe workplaces, income security etc.);
  • recognition of informal economy workers to get access to inclusive social dialogue in the countries at national and local levels;

Our aims and objectives

To unite working, voiceless, unorganized, and marginalized street and market vendors in the struggle for their socio-economic rights and justice through strengthening their voice, visibility, and legitimacy for influencing the policy directly affecting their lives.

Our vision

A strong, self-reliant, democratic, and members’ driven organization of informal economy traders and street vendors capable to improve the lives of the working poor engaged in the informal economy.

Our structure

StreetNet believes in participatory democracy, transparency and accountability, independence, commitment, and respect towards the implementation of the Constitution of the organization and its values.


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