Resolutions Adopted at the Special Public Meeting called by the 1860 Heritage Legacy Foundation on Tuesday 28 July 2009 at the ML Sultan Campus of the Durban University of Technology

By StreetNet International
September 5, 2011
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28 July 2009

1.That this meeting noting with great alarm the Durban Municipality`s senior officials , inter alia Mayor, Obed Mlaba and Dr M. Sutcliffe use of anti-Indian and racist sentiments to divide the city’s communities opposition to the destruction of the Early Morning Market (EMM), calls upon the Human Rights Commission to investigate statements of racial incitement made at the meeting called by the Durban Municipality at the ICC on 10 July 2009. This meeting further calls for the condemnation of the statements and for the pursuit of charges of racial incitement against the said individuals and the Durban Municipality.

2.This meeting resolves that should the destruction of the EMM proceed, against the wishes of the people, that it calls for a peoples’ boycott of all SPAR outlets and all retail outlets in the proposed mall, both provincially and nationally.

3.This meeting further resolves that those financial institutions who are bank rolling the construction of the proposed mall will be targeted with boycotts and related actions to expose their collaboration.

4.That the present undemocratic and dictatorial processes cease forthwith.

5.That the livelihood of all traders, irrespective of race, creed or political persuasion must be protected. Any future development must enhance their businesses and enhance their capacity to be wealth creators.

6.That the historical and cultural legacy of the EMM building and surrounds must be preserved as a tribute to the struggle and courage of indentured labourers and all other oppressed people who made a living of the land and who sustained themselves through the EMM.

7.That the EMM must remain a site of trade. The EMM must be upgraded and developed into a world class peoples’ market and as a living museum.

8.That the development must meaningfully integrate the need for an efficient transport system, safety and security of all and for the development of a comprehensive plan that benefits the majority and underscores our broad development goals.

9.That the development planning process must start afresh to include all interested groups/individuals of civil society and local beneficiaries as partners to produce an amicable settlement that will benefit the majority.

10.That this meeting notes the need for all discussions/discourses/debates to take place within the context of a spirit of Ubuntu, democracy and a commitment to a non-sexist and non–racist society, so as to strengthen the democratic processes.

Proposed: P R Dullay
Seconded: Professor Fatima Meer

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