Chairwoman from FTUEU injured during a Law on Language protest in Kyiv
Ms Valyntyna Korobka, Chairwoman of Free Trade Union of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine (FTUEU) was elected at the Founding conference of the FTUEU based on her history of activism and her desire for justice.
On the 3 July 2012, Ukrainian Parliament adopted a Law “On languages” which was the main cause for members of opposition parties to start a protest action and hunger strike in front of Ukrainian house.
Ms Valentyna Korobka, a patriot of her country joined the protest to express her dissatisfaction regarding this Law. On the 4 July 2012, a clash between protesters and special security subdivision “Berkut” took place close to Ukrainian house in the centre of Kyiv City were they opposed the recently adopted Law on Languages.
During the incident, Ms Valentyna Korobka was injured when she was allegedly pushed by a Lieutenant Colonel of the Traffic Auto Inspection. Ms Korobka fell on the pavement sustaining injuries to her head and seriously bruised her arm. She was taken to the Kyiv local hospital and after examination doctors diagnosed that she had a concussion. Ms Korobka is recovering at the hospital. It has been learned from sources that the Lieutenant Colonel of Traffic Auto Inspection has been allegedly hospitalised after this incident and a case has been opened regarding this incident.
According to FTUEU, there is has been no response from the Ukrainian Government or from the Parliament related to the Law on Languages but officials have stated the Law on Languages would be signed.
FTUEU started its existence after small and medium entrepreneurs went to protest action to oppose a Tax Code in November 2010. Since then FTUEU plays a key role to protect entrepreneurs and self-employed workers’ rights both within Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine(KVPU) and nationwide. FTUEU organised numerous protest actions and demonstrations to resist adoption of harmful legislation and to obtain the norms and standards.
In June 2012, FTUEU became a member of StreetNet which has helped them to be represented by StreetNet at a national and an international level.
Ms Korobka, described as an enthusiastic unionist, participates in all the protest actions organised not only by the FTUEU or KVPU, but also by other democratic NGOs who fight for justice for the laws and rights to be followed and not violated in Ukraine.