UPTA Spain participates in the StreetNet International Council in Guinea.

By StreetNet International
May 31, 2013
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UPTA Spain was represented at the StreetNet International Council held in Guinea (Conakry). The secretary of UPTA Spain on Sector Policy, César García, who was elected as International Secretary, at the Fourth Congress of StreetNet, represented UPTA Spain at this meeting and will do so successively for the next three-year term of the Executive Committee. StreetNet is the only global organisation which represents the interests of street vendors.

At present more than 45 countries are represented in this organisation with physical offices in Africa, Asia and Central America. StreetNet is a partner organisation of the United Nations System and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).At the meeting of the International Council, several strategic points were under discussion, including the selection of a European country in which to locate a Focal Point, the organisation of an international structure to support young entrepreneurs, and the follow-up of the resolution in defence of this group which will be promoted and adopted by the ILO in 2014, to which StreetNet will have to provide texts and feedback.

The number of street vendors in the world reaches a figure of over 250 million, and it is necessary to design active policies for their protection and especially for their normalization. It must be kept in mind that many of them are considered to be part of the informal economy, and StreetNet has the mission to negotiate with the various governments to achieve these goals. Another objective is to provide microfinance opportunities to these vendors and the use of the different forms of Social Solidarity Economy to empower their future. 

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