Xhidmat-ISH hosts Capacity Building Workshop

By StreetNet International
April 17, 2015
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With the support of StreetNet and the FLOW Project, Federation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan "Xhidmat-ISH" organised a capacity building workshop on the topic "Forms, methods and tactics of negotiation" in Baku city, Azerbaijan. The workshop was facilitated by an experienced ILO trainer, Vsevolod Barbanyagra.

Jamaladdin Ismayilov, Xhidmat-ISH Vice-President addressing the participants during the opening of the workshop

Twenty-seven trade union activists attended the workshop, 16 of whom were women who are mainly young workers. The facilitator of the workshop informed the audience primarily about the gist and the concept of the negotiation process, on negotiation stakeholders etc.

ILO Trainer, Vsevolod Barbanyagra who facilitated the workshop for two daysThe facilitator explained to the participants in details the nuances of both parties’ positions and what issues need to be put for negotiation. Particular attention was paid to tactics and forms of negotiation. It was explained that union leaders are required to carefully prepare before starting negotiations. They should learn the economic situation of the company, its possibilities and opportunities of labor collective. Additionally, it is necessary to have information about the professionalism and character of each negotiator from counterpart side. Negotiators should be prepared in advance to different compromise options during negotiations. The facilitator also stressed the need to understand who creates unions and what methods have been used to reach their goals.

Pictured are the participants who attended the workshop

The main goals of the workshop have been achieved and information about this activity was publicized in national Trade Union newspaper: http://ulfet-az.com/sendika/9054

Information provided by Jamaladdin Ismayilov,
Xhidmat-ISH Vice-President

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