Country Programme in Liberia

By StreetNet International
August 6, 2015
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The Cities Alliance, a global partnership for urban poverty reduction and the promotion of the role of cities in sustainable development will fund a project for National Petty Traders’ Union of Liberia, StreetNet’s affiliate, by January 2016.

The main objective is to improve inclusive economic growth and strengthen the capacity of NAPETUL to negotiate with the relevant structures of Greater Monrovia as a key element in the development and implementation of inclusive urban policies during processes of infrastructure development and community upgrading.

The partners are:

  • Cities Alliance, a global partnership for urban poverty reduction and the promotion of the role of cities in sustainable development
  • National Petty Traders’Union of Liberia – NAPETUL
  • StreetNet International
  • Monrovia City Corporation(MCC) and its other development partners

This programme will occur within the context of the Monrovia Slum Upgrading Initiative, involving another international partner of Cities Alliance, SDI (Slum Dwellers International) with their local counterpart organisation, and a group of social enterprises involving waste pickers, CBE. StreetNet and NAPETUL are the international and local counterparts of Cities Alliance partner WIEGO( Women in the Informal Economy Globalization and Organizing) in the sector of street vendors and informal traders, and would strive at all times to work in solidarity and partnership with the sector of waste pickers, SDI and their local counterparts.

Duration: The activities will start in January 2016 and take end at December 2020.

Scope: The Project will impact Greater Monrovia (including 2 cities, 9 Townships, 1 borough)

Strategy: The strategy is based on the following three pillars:

  • Equity – i.e. equitable economic growth, which means inclusive of the informal economy in cities;
  • Gender equality – involving women directly in programmatic work in cities, and gearing programmes to women’s needs;
  • Partnerships – as the principal way of getting the work done.


Negotiations skills training – StreetNet organiser will provide training to NAPETUL leadership in negotiations skills, using participatory methods developed by WIEGO and StreetNet, and already tested in many of StreetNet’s affiliates. This training will include planning for upcoming negotiations with different structures of Greater Monrovia at all levels.

Negotiations mentoring – StreetNet organiser will mentor and guide NAPETUL leadership in different stages of negotiation about the abovementioned purpose and context, including:

  • Starting with exercising Clause 9 of the already existing Memorandum of Understanding between the MMC, MOCI and NAPETUL to negotiate for modifications which have been identified as being necessary in discussions between StreetNet and NAPETUL leadership;
  • Considering the possibility and feasibility of a similar Memorandum of Understanding between NAPETUL and Paynesville City (and other relevant partners to such MoU) and initiating processes to achieve this;
  • Consulting with NAPETUL members to gather mandates and proposals with regard to proposed infrastructure development and community upgrading initiatives as well as inclusive economic growth initiatives;
  • Consulting with the LMA (Liberia Market Association) in preparation for negotiations where their members are also potentially affected;
  • Assessment of negotiations progress and providing guidance on planning strategies for moving forward;
  • Convening joint consultations with other partners involved in the overall context whenever deemed necessary for better coordination of outcomes.

Preparation and distribution of progress reports – WIEGO and StreetNet will assist in compiling user-friendly progress reports of developments for distribution to street vendors and informal traders to facilitate knowledge-sharing at all levels through the process.


Please note that representatives of Cities Alliance met with leadership of NAPETUL in February 2015 to better understand their current and planned response.

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