The Federation of Petty Traders and Informal Workers Union of Liberia – FEPTIWUL celebrates its new achievement
By Sibailly Douhour, StreetNet Organizer
On September 27th, 2018 FEPTIWUL, StreetNet’s affiliate in Liberia, represented by Comfort Dorion, Chairlady, signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Monrovia City Corporation, MCC.
This agreement is the second after the first one which was signed in 2014.
This time FEPTIWUL leaders and members were prepared as they went through several trainings about Collective negotiations Skills organised by StreetNet International.
The new MoU of FEPTIWULL enables different parties together to mainly deal with issues concerning the spaces offered to street vendors, their registration and identification, taxes payment, hygiene and their security.
The Memorandum was implemented through the project financed by Cities Alliance in partnership with WIEGO and StreetNet. The activities of the project which started in 2016 and will last till 2021 are focused on different trainings of leaders and members in the field of negotiation skills, the follow-up/mentoring, visits arrangement in some counties and the reporting back, as well as some equipment support to FEPTIWUL.
The Mid-Term assessment took place from October 1st to October 15th 2018 in Monrovia run by Sarah Reed, researcher of WIEGO.
According to interviewed leaders and members of FEPTIWUL, the police harassment has really decreased, and street vendors are very relaxed at work, a lot of trainings were organised in Monrovia and some visits were arranged in many conties of Liberia by FEPTIWUL leaders; and also, working relationship with Local Municipalities have been improved.
The StreetNet Organiser, Sibailly Maximilien Douhouré, was in Monrovia to assist FEPTIWUL and Sarah Reed.
Thanks to the project, leaders of FEPTIWUL have gained some fame and they manage their organization’s activities fairly well.
FEPTIWUL can be considered as a model among StreetNet affiliates which benefited from the collective negotiations skills trainings designed and arranged by StreetNet.