StreetNet Activity with International Federation of Workers’ Education Association (IFWEA)

By StreetNet International
December 20, 2018
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by Amar Kharate, StreetNet Trainee Organizer

StreetNet is affiliated to the IFWEA for quite a long time. In December 2015, Sibailly Douhouré – StreetNet Organizer and Educator – was elected as an IFWEA Executive Member. As a member of the Executive Committee, brother Sibailly attended a recent Annual Meeting that took place from 30th November to 3rd December 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa.

12 Executive Committee Members attended the Annual Meeting which examined its agenda. One of the top discussions was devoted to the IFEWA education program for the future.

According to this program, the meeting considered the strategy to expand online education and this active methodology has been developed by IFWEA’s Online Labour Academy (OLA) which is accessible for learners from their homes.  For more information, please click the link below:

The StreetNet course on the negotiation skills will be developed for online academy, specifically for StreetNet affiliates. For implementing this program, StreetNet and IFWEA are coming together to make this course available online.

Since two members of the IFWEA ExCo will be retiring in their organization in the next year, IFWEA honored them with certificates.

It should be noted that StreetNet trainee organiser for Asia region, Amar Kharate attended the Youth Globalisation Awareness Program (YGAP) organized by IFWEA from 14th to 27th October 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa. Participants from different continents came together to join the program. The theme of this year’s program was ‘Popular Not Populist – Make Your Voices Heard’.

Amar Kharate at the IFWEA Program

According to this theme, learning through music, theatre, film and dance strategies gave Amar an exposure to equip him with methods to bring worker’s rights heard with different strategies. This course was also a great opportunity for building solidarity with other participants representing different sectors and professions.

Having opportunity to do internship during the program shed light upon how workers around the world fight for their rights. It is also one of the concerns to look how workers make their contribution through media which impacts the society at large scale.

StreetNet always encourages its affiliates to equip their members with any learning scholarship opportunities to develop themselves and strengthen their organizations in general.

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