© 2024 StreetNet International

© 2024

A street vendors-led bottom up approach to food safety

Why we cannot talk about food policies without involving street vendors According to our last global report, food and drinks are among the top sold goods by StreetNet members. It is not surprising: wandering around in any market all over the world, both in urban and rural areas, vendors can be seen selling fresh fruits […]

3 reasons why data is power for street and market vendors

In this article we analyze three main methodological questions that arise when worker movements try to leverage numbers, statistics and data analysis to improve their material conditions and why data is power for street and market vendors.

UNICAB Brasil consegue formalizar vendedores ambulantes em Porto Alegre

A UNICAB, afiliada da StreetNet no Brasil, protagonizou uma luta histórica por uma política de reconhecimento dos trabalhadores da economia informal. A Câmara Municipal de Porto Alegre aprovou o “Projeto de Lei 042/23”, que tem como base jurídica e política a Recomendação 204 da OIT.

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