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© 2024

Organizing women street vendors in Burkina Faso

Women street vendors in Burkina Faso constitute the majority of workers in our sector. Our affiliate SYNAVFL organizes fruit and vegetable vendors across the country. We visited them in July 2023, and we learned more about their work on the ground.

Highlights from the 7th International Congress 

The delegates of StreetNet’s affiliate organizations met in Kigali, Rwanda, from the 1st to the 6th of May, 2023 for the 7th StreetNet International Congress , to exercise democracy, solidarity and accountability.

Street vendors fight for social protection in Cambodia

Feature image by Enric Català We met with Samphous Von, the Deputy Secretary General of IDEA, (Independent Democracy of Informal Economy Association) StreetNet’s affiliate in Cambodia, to talk about the challenges of street vendors in the country, especially with regards to social protection. IDEA is an established trade union in Cambodia (18 years old this […]

The StreetNet team visits Association Amélior in France

In February 2023, members of the StreetNet team visited our affiliate organization in France, Association Amélior, and discovered how they are organizing vendors in Paris and Marseille. Protecting a profession at risk Founded in 2012, Amélior represents the recyclers, waste pickers and second hand street sellers in the Paris Metropolitan area and in Marseille, the […]

4 main ways technology impacted informal economy workers during the pandemic

A recent webinar at CSW67 featuring worker leaders and experts uncovered the main ways informal economy workers were impacted by technology during COVID-19. The period of lockdown and isolation during the COVID19 pandemic presented all workers with unprecedented challenges. Not only in their professional activities but also in their organizational and unionization strategies, in their […]

Profile of a Seamstress, Vendor and Leader: Ms. Frances Bamidele Onokpe.

This article was written by Mrs. Omolola Sholaja, from FIWON, Nigeria Ms. Bamidele Frances Onokpe, was born September 18, 1962 at Ikire, Southwest, Nigeria. After basic education, she trained as a certified Caterer at Dof Catering Institute in 1984 where she obtained her certification in Food Hygiene & Handling of food. She also went for […]

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