Ukrainian small entrepreneurs ask to stop violence and to let them work to feed their families!

28 December 2016 Free Trade Union of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine (FTUEU), a StreetNet affiliate from Ukraine, reports about continuous violence and harm towards its members and other market/street vendors in Ukraine, namely in Kyiv city – the Ukrainian capital. Kyiv Local Administration talks about so called “beautification of the city” development program and started to […]
"Sustaining current struggles to end destruction of informal homes and livelihoods and establish a credible vendors/government negotiation structure in Lagos, Nigeria"

21 October, 2016 The ban of street trading in Lagos will take away the means of livelihood from street vendors in the midst of economic hardship in Nigeria. Taking into account a high unemployment rate in the country, Lagosians feel the governor should have looked for a way of regulating the activities of the vendors […]
“Cruel Treatment Of Street Vendors” In Colombia
20 July 2016 By Pedro Luis Ramirez B. Pedro Luis Ramirez B. is a member of StreetNet International’s (SI) Audit Team which forms part of StreetNet’s Executive Committee. He is also National President of the Unión General de Trabajadores en la Economía Informal UGTI-CUT (Colombia). Below he talks about the situation of street vendors in […]
Statement: SAITA to host a National Day of Action march!
8 July 2016 The South African Informal Traders Alliance (SAITA) will be hosting a National Day of Action march on Wednesday, 13th July 2016. The action is to dispel the ill-held myth that informal hawkers are but of nuisance value, a perception created as a result of unjust socio-economic profiling. The informal economy is neither […]
Representatives of small businesses of Moldova threaten authorities with protest actions
13 June 2016 Representatives of small Business Association demand from the authorities to introduce a special (fixed) tax for small businesses and to declare from January 1, 2017 a 10-year moratorium on any changes in legislation which relates to promotion of small businesses. They claimed, in case their demands are not taken into account by […]
New Municipality Plan to relocate street vendors in El Salvador
Jose Herminio Díaz, FESTIVES Secretary General, a StreetNet Affiliate from El-Salvador introduces current changes for the street traders in his country. The Municipality Plan to reorder the city was launched on 20 April. The municipality said that vendors who were in the near of the National Palace will be relocated. Besides that, vendors of Plaza […]
Belarusian entrepreneurs are fighting for their rights, demanding the cancellation of the Decree № 222
Irina Yaskevich, Chairwoman of the Trade Union of Entrepreneurs "Together", an affiliate of the StreetNet International from Belarus, shared how entrepreneurs from Belarus are struggling for their rights to keep their jobs demanding the cancellation of the Decree № 222 "On regulation of entrepreneurship activity and the sale of goods by individual entrepreneurs and other […]
Cambodian Trade Unions oppose adoption of a new Trade Union Law
StreetNet International, which represents more than 550 000 street/market vendors and hawkers from 52 affiliated organizations from 49 countries along with International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and other Global Union Federations, is deeply concerned with the current situation in Cambodia which happened around the content of the proposed Draft of the Trade Union Law. Independent […]
Repressions towards unions and Street vendors in South Korea
StreetNet International which represents more than 550 000 street/market vendors and hawkers from 52 affiliated organizations from 47 countries throughout the world is deeply concerned with the current situation in Seoul and considers the crackdown done by Korean government against the street vendors and other trade unionists unacceptable and those which violate human, workers` and […]
FTUEU holds protest action in Kyiv to oppose imposing of cash register machines
In Ukraine, there have been protests of workers of small and medium businesses to oppose a so called “tax reform”. Free Trade Union of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine (FTUEU), StreetNet Affiliate, also actively participated in the protest actions. A main idea is that it’s not the first time in the history of Ukraine’s independence, when the […]