Angélique Kipulu Katani

By StreetNet Media
April 12, 2021
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Angélique Kipulu Katani is the leader of the Ligue pour les Droits de la Femme Congolaise -(LDFC) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and a Member Auditor of the StreetNet Executive Committee and her. With a vast experience in the trade union movement, Angélique was responsible for the Women’s Department of the Trade Union Confederation of Congo (CS) in Kinshasa from 1994 to 2002. She was then elected Vice-President of the CSC, in charge of gender issues and finances. Angélique was also previously in the governing bodies of ITUC Africa.

During these 19 years in the trade union movement, Angélique participated in several trips, trainings, and conferences at the ILO, World Social Forum, United Nations Climate Change conference (COP), and meetings of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). Since 2013, she has been fully devote to LDFC. Her main focus is violence against women and women informal economy workers. Angélique is divorced with three children, two girls and one boy. Read Angélique’s full biography here.