3-6 MAY 2023


United in promoting women’s leadership, recognition, social protection and decent work for all

what is the streetnet international congress?

After more than 20 years, we are still coming together to defend the rights of informal traders in a democratic way.

The International Congress is the supreme decision-making body of StreetNet International.

Every four years, delegates from our affiliates from over 50 countries come together to elect new leadership, propose and vote on new resolutions and policies, and foster international solidarity among street vendors’ and other informal traders.

The members of the International Congress are comprised of the members of the International Council and democratically elected delegates by each affiliate organization of StreetNet.

The International Congress is responsible for considering and deciding on reports presented; formulating policy for StreetNet and decide on resolutions submitted to the International Congress by members and by the International Council; considering and approve amendments to StreetNet’s Constitution; reviewing and deciding on the financial position and progress of StreetNet; dealing with any matter which in the opinion of the International Congress is in StreetNet’s interest and which merits the consideration of the Congress.

The Congress procedures and policies are clearly explained in the StreetNet Constitution.


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