3-6 MAY 2023


United in promoting women’s leadership, recognition, social protection and decent work for all

agenda of 7th international congress

The 7th International Congress is organized from 3-6 May 2023.

April 28-30

Arrival of the StreetNet leadership, delegates and guests

May 1

9am – 1pm | Marking of the International Workers’ Day (venue to be confirmed)

May 2

9am – 10pm – Registration

10am – 5pm | Training on Outcomes Harvesting

May 3

First day of the International Congress
9am – 12pm | Opening Session of the 7th International Congress

12pm – 1:30pm | Lunch

1:30 – 2:30pm | CLOSED SESSION: Rules and Procedures; Establishment of Credentials Commission;
Establishment of Resolutions Commission; Electoral Procedures | Chair: Vice-President Alberto Santana

2:30pm – 5:30pm | REPORTS: Credentials report; International Coordinator’s Report (Oksana Abboud); Treasurer’s Report (Annie Diouf); President’s Report (Lorraine Sibanda); Plenary discussion of reports; Adoption of reports. | Chair: Vice-President Alberto Santana

6pm-10pm | Resolutions Commission Meeting

May 4

Second day of the International Congress
9am- 10am | Election procedures: Final withdrawals; Final Constitutional Challenges | Chair: Electoral Commission

10am – 1pm | Constitutional Amendments: Discussion of report of Commission on Constitutional Reform; Adoption of Constitutional Amendments | Chair: President Lorraine Sibanda

1pm – 2pm | Lunch

2pm-3:30pm | Continuation of Constitutional Amendments

3:30pm – 8:30pm | Elections: Announcement of rulings on constitutional challenges; election in plenary; counting of votes in plenary: announcement of election results.

8pm – 10:30 | Dinner

Resolutions Commission Meeting

May 5

Third day of the International Congress

9am – 1pm | Parallel Commissions:
1. Rights-based Social Protection: The battle for recognition and labor rights of workers in the informal economy

2. Environmental and climate justice: what is the role of street vendors in a just transition. The right to work on the public space for livelihood: the struggle for inclusive cities and the end of violence towards street vendors

3. Building with collective strength alternatives and solutions to our daily challenges: social solidarity economy and cooperatives building

4. Street vendors at the negotiating table: inclusive social dialogue and participation in policy development processes using the international instrument, such as the ILO Recommendation 204

Resolutions Commission to collect reports from parallel commissions for extracting resolutions to be presented to Congress the following day.

1pm-2:30pm | Lunch

2:30pm – 5:00pm | Resolutions: Report of Resolutions Commission on resolutions arising from parallel Commissions; Presentation of resolutions from affiliates; Discussion of resolutions and any outstanding Constitutional amendments; Adoption of resolutions | Chair: Resolutions Commission

5:30 – 6:30pm | Resolutions Commission Meeting

7pm-10pm | Evening activities, Cultural evening

May 6

Fourth day of the International Congress

9:30am – 1pm | Resolutions: Discussion of resolutions (continuation); Adoption of resolutions | Chair: Resolutions Commission

1pm-2:30pm | Lunch

2:30pm – 4pm | Plenary Session: StreetNet sustainability and strategic plan; Advocacy strategy for the next 4 years – discussion and adoption; Moving forward in unity and strengthening collecting power | Chair: New President; Facilitators: International Coordinator, StreetNet & WIEGO

4pm-6pm | Closing Session | Chair: New ExCo members

May 7

Departures of delegates


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