CTCP-FNT and the Federation of traffic light workers’ press conference.
7 November 2011 The Confederation of self-employed workers CTCP-FNT and the Federation of traffic light workers called a press conference to reject an advertisement where a presidential candidate used images of traffic light vendors in a derogative and demeaning way. The comrades said they feel proud to be self-employed and pointed out that workers from […]
Decent Work in the Informal Economy – the Long Road ahead!
7 October 2011 Magorwa is a cross-border porter based in Uvira, South Kivu, the Democratic Republic of Congo. She is called a “mbakazI` a porter without capital to buy her own goods. Her job is to carry goods belonging to richer informal traders across the border to Bujumbura, the capital of Burundi, which is 30 […]
StreetNet International commissions action research on street vendors in the World Cup host cities
Starting in May 2011, StreetNet International, in partnership with the CUT Brazil and the Gaspar Garcia Centre for Human Rights, has commissioned a research project to identify and record the main demands of the different street vendors` associations in the 12 World Cup host cities. The research will also seek to highlight the potential impact […]
KENASVIT Memorandum
KENASVIT has already conducted public processions in Nairobi, Machakos and today in Nakuru under Nakuru Street Traders and Hawkers Association (NASTHA) an affiliate of KENASVIT. We had combined forces with other civil society organizations led by Institute for policy and conflict Nairobi, Centre for Enhancement of Democracy and Good Governance (C.E.D.G.G), Bunge La Mwananchi central […]
Participatory Campaign To Produce An International Street Vendors Manifesto
Background: In 1995 a group of activists from 11 countries who were committed to increasing the visibility, voice and bargaining power of street vendors throughout the world met in Bellagio, Italy. They developed a preliminary street vendors’ manifesto known as the Bellagio Declaration. They also made a decision that an international federation should be established […]
Blantyre flea market was burned and the cause of the fire is not yet known.
22 September 2011 It is still under investigation. Last month, a demonstration which was planned for 17th August 2011 was postponed due to court injunction which was still in court on that day and that the United Nations delegation was in Malawi for dialogue which is taking place between government and civil society. Prior to […]
KENASVIT MSE Bill Campaign – Nakuru Street Traders And Hawkers Association (NASTHA)
KENASVIT has already conducted public processions in Nairobi , Machakos and today in Nakuru under Nakuru Street Traders and Hawkers Association (NASTHA) an affiliate of KENASVIT. We had combined forces with other civil society organizations led by Institute for policy and conflict Nairobi, Centre for Enhancement of Democracy and Good Governance (C.E.D.G.G), Bunge La Mwananchi […]
Another World Cup is possible?
StreetNet International meeting on Street vendors and informal traders living with disabilty (20/21 April 2011)
Introduction – Umesh Upadhyaya, GS of GEFONT StreetNet International Council & workshop held in Nepal is good opportunity for street vendors of Nepal. Problems of working class are the same, whether formal or informal, no matter which country. Fight against capitalism – despite language and culture differences. But sentiments are same and can be globalised. […]
International Networks
International Co-ordinating Committee (ICC) for Organising in the Informal Economy The ICC was formed as the organising committee for the Conference “Organising in the Informal Economy: Combining our Efforts” which was held in Ahmedabad, India, from 3rd-5th of December, 2003. Prior to the conference in Ahmedabad and the formation of the ICC, a series of […]