Implementation of ILO Recommendation 204 in South Africa

by Pat Horn, StreetNet International Coordinator Pat Horn, StreetNet International Coordinator shares the progress made towards implementation of the ILO Recommendation 204: (Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy) in South Africa. Soon after the adoption of ILO Recommendation 204 (R204) at the International Labour Conference in Geneva in June 2015, the Department of […]
StreetNet Participation in the 107th Session of the International Labour Conference

by Oksana Abboud, StreetNet Organiser In June 2018, a StreetNet International delegation led by the StreetNet President Lorraine Sibanda attended the International Labour Conference (ILC) 2018. The StreetNet delegation included Lorraine Sibanda, StreetNet President; Oksana Abboud, Trainee Coordinator; Wisborn Malaya, ZCIEA Secretary General; Maria Emilia Vargas Luzon, FUTTEINCO Member; Sarah Joanny Lora Abad de Valdez, […]
The Voice for the Voiceless

21 February, 2017 Jeannette Nyiramasengesho, StreetNet International Council Member and a President of SYTRIECI, StreetNet Affiliate from Rwanda, shares experience on working with refugees in her country. Sister Jeannette states: “Here in our country we continue our work for informal workers even if it is not an easy task, but we try to be the […]
Strengthening our internal organizational democracy
2 December, 2016 By Pat Horn, StreetNet International Coordinator StreetNet was launched on 14th November 2002, and has held 5 international congresses every three years in accordance with the StreetNet Constitution – in 2004 in Korea, 2007 in Brazil, 2010 in Benin, 2013 in Chile, and in 2016 in India. This is an important part […]
5th StreetNet International Congress in the eyes of Admin team "A remarkable moment for StreetNet International"

Ruby Essack, Congress Administrator My impressions are that the Congress focus was predominantly about voting in the new leadership instead of being focused and used as an opportunity to discuss various strategic issues and strategies for the organization and its future. I think that it is great that for the 1st time in history StreetNet […]
Hard efforts of street vendors in Rwanda lead to positive outcomes
9 September, 2016 Jeannette NYIRAMASENGESHO, President of Syndicat des Travailleurs Independents de l’Economie Informelle (SYTRIECI), StreetNet affiliate from Rwanda, clarifies the situation of street vendors in her country, namely after the spread of news in social media by Rwanda local government about construction of 12 mini markets for approximately 8000 former street vendors in Rwanda […]
AZIEA shows the way to monitoring levy-collection in Zambia
11 August, 2016 By Oksana Abboud, StreetNet Media Officer StreetNet Affiliate from Zambia, the Alliance for Zambia Informal Economy Associations (AZIEA) was launched in October 2002. Over the years, it has faced and overcome many challenges relating to the informal economy. These include the lack of government policy on the informal sector and its development; […]
Informal economy in Georgia: challenges and opportunities
22 July, 2016 By Oksana Abboud, StreetNet Media Officer Different continents, languages and cultures but the same challenges for the informal traders around the world. Today we are going to discover another region of StreetNet family – Caucasus and talk about informal economy in Georgia. Due to high level of unemployment in Georgia, the majority […]
Aaron A Boima, National Secretary-General of SLeTU, shares some history and thoughts on ILO Recommendation 204
Aaron A Boima, National Secretary-General of SLeTU, shares some history and thoughts on ILO Recommendation 204 12 July, 2016 Aaron A Boima used to work as an informal trader. He became a trade unionist more than 14 years ago. Currently he serves as the National Secretary-General of the Sierra Leone Traders Union (SLeTU), a StreetNet […]
STREETNET Americas affiliates contribute to important book
By Lauro Morillo Eleven organisations affiliated to StreetNet Americas, have written on their experiences in a book published by Trade Union Confederation of Americas (TUCA), International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the Bureau for Workers´ Activities (ACTRAV-ILO). TUCA, ITUC and ACTRAV-ILO published the book Experiencias Sindicales de Formalización Mediante Organización Sindical y Diálogo Social en […]