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© 2024

Online crowd funding – a new experiment of StreetNet International

Dear all You may already be aware that since January 2015, StreetNet has been operating with no office, using virtual space, with a small team of three voluntary and very part-time people and a part-time bookkeeper. But we have managed to keep up with our work of making an international impression at the level of […]

Nothing for us Without Us !!

Informal workers from the sectors of street vendors, home-based workers, taxi workers, fishermen and waste pickers, attended a mass meeting at the Gandhi Luthuli Hall at the Denis Hurley Centre in Durban on 19 August 2015, to discuss the lack of progress in an ILO Project on Decent Work in eThekwini Municipality, involving all 5 […]

Transition from the Informal to the Formal Economy Recommendation, 2015 (No. 204)

Many of StreetNet’s affiliates worked hard in preparation for the discussion at the International Labour Conference in 2014 and 2015 for the adoption of a new ILO Convention on this topic – and StreetNet delegates participated in these discussions. What did we achieve? Overview: Good and not so good! GOOD ! The Recommendation contains many […]

SYTRIECI, a new African Organisation, accepted as part of the StreetNet International Family

SYTRIECI, (Syndicat des travailleurs indépendants de l’économie informelle). is a Trade Union of Independent Workers of Informal Economy. SYTRIECI was formed for the protection and promotion of rights and the well being of Independents Workers. It is apolitical and non-denominational. SYTRIECI has been founded official in February 23rd, 2014 at Kigali- Rwanda. Objectives Defend the […]

International Labour Organisation to address the future of the Informal Economy

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) will hold its annual International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva from 1 to 13 June, 2015. The ILC event will be expected to include the participation of an estimated 3000 delegates from 185 member countries. Worker, employer and government delegates from the ILO’s 185 member States will tackle a wide […]

NASVI relief Lorry reaches NEPAL

National Association of Street Vendors of India (NASVI), StreetNet Affiliate and Focal Point for Asia reacted immediately as soon as they heard about the plight of Nepal, when the devastating earthquake struck on 25 April 2015. NASVI sent an appeal letter around the world for humanitarian aid to assist the affected Nepalese people. On 17 […]

Dialogue Starts between Self-employed Workers and Political Forces

By Trabajo Decente Escuela On the 17 January marked the initiation of the dialogue between the merchants and vendors of the Informal Sector and the majority of the political forces in the country. The forum was organised by the National Vendors` Unit (UNV), which was attended by the San Salvador mayoral candidates from the following […]

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