Using instant messaging to empower women negotiators in the world of work

From August to November 2021, under the leadership of Oksana Abboud, International Coordinator of StreetNet International, Senior Advisor Pat Horn and Organizer for West and Central Africa, Evelyn Benjamin-Sampson, facilitated a course for women negotiators members of our affiliate organization SLeTU, based in Sierra Leone. StreetNet has developed a curriculum for negotiation courses for a […]
All you need to know about informal cross-border trade

Informal cross-border traders are extremely important for national economies, especially in Africa, but they suffer from extortion, harassment and violence. Read the key findings and testimonies of a StreetNet-led project for the rights of informal cross-border traders to know how we can change this situation!
Learning about social dialogue for street vendors in Azerbaijan

The Azerbaijani federation Xhidmat-ISH with the support of the international organization StreetNet held a number of educational and training seminars on the topic “Basics of social dialogue between street vendors“, as we know the periodic discussion of the strategic task of social dialogue and tripartism in accordance with the mechanism for the implementation of the […]
We are launching a crowdfunding training program!

The popularity of crowdfunding is growing, but many informal economy workers’ organizations have yet to seize upon this tool for fundraising. Now, street vendors’ organizations affiliated to StreetNet have a chance to develop their crowdfunding skills. StreetNet is launching a crowdfunding training program exclusively for its affiliates. This program will give organizations of informal traders […]
Crowdfunding for women street vendors in Bangladesh: challenges and lessons learned

Repon Chowdhury, President of Labour at Informal Economy (LIE) – StreetNet affiliate in Bangladesh – was one of the participants of the capacity-building crowdfunding pilot project. Together with his team of five members, they developed the campaign Support vulnerable women street vendors in Bangladesh. We reached out to Repon to understand what were the challenges […]
Crowdfunding for women street vendors and their families in Ghana: challenges and lessons learned

Deborah Freeman is the current General Secretary of the Union of Informal Workers Associations (UNIWA), affiliated to StreetNet International. Along with her colleague Eric, she was one of the participants of the capacity-building crowdfunding pilot project. They developed the online crowdfunding campaign “Save the lives of women informal workers & their children: Support 1000 women […]
Crowdfunding for women street vendors in Rwanda: Challenges & Lessons Learned

StreetNet is currently developing a capacity-building crowdfunding pilot project, in which several of our affiliates are learning how to build an effective campaign and support their membership. Jeanette Nyiramasengesho is one of the participants of the project, representing the Syndicat des Travailleurs Indépendants de l’Économie Informelle ), in Rwanda. Their campaign was focused on supporting […]
Why invest in online workers’ education?

Education has always been one of the pillars of StreetNet’s action. Although nothing can quite replace face-to-face interaction, the current pandemic is forcing many organizations to move their training programs online. In the case of StreetNet, online workers’ education was always on the horizon. As a global alliance of informal traders represented in 56 countries, […]
Regional Workshop on direct negotiations of informal economy workers in Vietnam

by Oksana Abboud, StreetNet Organizer On 28-29 November 2018 a Regional Workshop “Direct negotiations of informal economy workers on implementation of the ASEAN Framework and Action Plan on the Declaration to Strengthen Social Protection” took place in Hanoi city, Vietnam. It was a follow-up event after the Exposure visit between organizers and leaders of ASEAN […]
StreetNet Activity with International Federation of Workers’ Education Association (IFWEA)

by Amar Kharate, StreetNet Trainee Organizer StreetNet is affiliated to the IFWEA for quite a long time. In December 2015, Sibailly Douhouré – StreetNet Organizer and Educator – was elected as an IFWEA Executive Member. As a member of the Executive Committee, brother Sibailly attended a recent Annual Meeting that took place from 30th November […]