Field Trip to Central America to reaffirm solidarity

by Maira Vannuchi, StreetNet Organizer In the second half of September 2018, StreetNet Organizers Maira Vannuchi and Oksana Abboud went visiting three countries of Central America to meet StreetNet affiliates in Honduras, Nicaragua and Costa Rica. Starting in Honduras, two organizers met the international coordinator Pat Horn in San Pedro Sula to carry out a […]
Negotiations Skills training follow up workshop for SLeTU from Sierra Leone

by Jane Masta, StreetNet Organizer The follow up workshop on Negotiations Skills Training was organized in collaboration with the Solidarity Centre AFL-CIO and StreetNet International. The training was held in Kenema City from 23rd to 24th October 2018. This was a follow up workshop from the initial training that was held in May 2018 where […]
Breaking New Ground in Liberia

by Pat Horn, StreetNet International Coordinator In May 2018 a Strategising Meeting was held with 30 leaders of StreetNet’s Affiliate FEPTIWUL (Federation of Petty Traders & Informal Workers’ Unions of Liberia) in Monrovia and Paynesville with the objective of analysing the effectiveness of a previous MoU signed between NAPETUL (as FEPTIWUL was known in 2014) […]
Negotiations Skills Course for workers of informal economy in Honduras

By Maira Vannuchi and Oksana Abboud, StreetNet Organizers On 17- 21 September a five-day Negotiations skills training course took place in San Pedro Sula city (Honduras) for the StreetNet Affiliate FOTSSIEH (Federación de Organizacionesdel Sector Social y Informal de la Economia de Honduras). This slideshow requires JavaScript. The Training was organized in partnership with the […]
The Federation of Petty Traders and Informal Workers Union of Liberia – FEPTIWUL celebrates its new achievement

By Sibailly Douhour, StreetNet Organizer On September 27th, 2018 FEPTIWUL, StreetNet’s affiliate in Liberia, represented by Comfort Dorion, Chairlady, signed a new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Monrovia City Corporation, MCC. This agreement is the second after the first one which was signed in 2014. This time FEPTIWUL leaders and members were prepared as they […]
FAINATRASIT holds its Ordinary Congress

by Sibailly Douhouré, StreetNet Organizer The General Assembly of FAINATRASIT (StreetNet affiliate from Togo) took place on August 27th, 2018 in Lomé city under the following theme: The Informal Economy and the Transition towards the Formality: the Role of FAINATRASIT. 61 Delegates, 44 of whom – women from 19 Organisations affiliated to FAINATRASIT (out of […]
A Journey Towards Empowering Women Street Vendors

by Amar Kharate, StreetNet Organiser According to ILO (2012), an estimated 83 per cent of Cambodian workers worked in the informal sector in 2008. As in many other countries, data on informal workers in Cambodia is not up-to-date, though it is clear the street vendor sector is increasing daily. StreetNet, in collaboration with the Solidarity […]
Informal economy in Mozambique as a determining part of the country’s development

by Maira Vannuchi, StreetNet Organizer On July 27 and 28, the StreetNet International organizer for the Americas and the Portuguese-speaking African countries, Maíra Vannuchi, made a field visit to the StreetNet affiliate organization in Mozambique, the Informal Economy Association of Mozambique – Aeimo. Vice-President Albertina Simango and the National Executive Secretary Armindo Chembane received the […]
Training Workshop on Negotiations Skills and Strategy Course for Members of the Sierra Leone Traders Union (SLeTU)

By Sibailly Douhoure, StreetNet Organizer 30 participants of whom 60% were women attended a 5-day training workshop on negotiations and strategy course for organisers and leaders of workers in street vending and informal market vending sectors, who represented 5 regions of Sierra Leone. The workshop was held at the Sierra Leone labour congress conference hall […]
Moving forward with new StreetNet International Council

30 January 2017 By Oksana Abboud, StreetNet Media Officer A three day Leadership Training for the members of StreetNet International Council took place on 23-25 January in Durban, South Africa. The training program was aimed on getting new Council members to be familiar with StreetNet structure, policies and power as well as outlining strategic areas […]