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As we move towards our 7th International Congress, we want to celebrate one of the pillars of StreetNet International: women’s leadership. This March 8, join us in highlighting and celebrating women’s empowerment and leadership from across the world. From Benin to Nepal, women leaders are changing the lives of street vendors and informal traders!
“It is now necessary for us women leaders to take the responsibility, and work at the policy-making level, even if it is difficult.”
Read the interview with our International Council member Maya Gurung, of Nepal Street Vendors Trade Union.
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“The path is full of pitfalls. We should not be discouraged. We should go until the end – until we will win”.
Discover the life of Anastasie Chodaton, International Council members and leader of Syndicat National des Vendeurs, Vendeuses et Assimilés des Marchés of Benin.
My activism gave me strength to survive
Omolola Sholaja, member of our affiliate FIWON (Nigeria) wrote this moving profile of Frances Bamidele Onokpe, a seamstress, street vendor and leader who has inspired other young women to join our collective workers’ struggle. Read more >>>
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PBO 930030585
Content license: CC BY-SA 4.0
Physical address 45 Claribel Road Windermere Durban 4001, South Africa
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