Annie Diouf – CNTS, Senegal
On this international day dedicated to women, I feel very proud to pay a vibrant tribute to the super heroines that are street and market vendors. At the beginning, I was a simple street vendor who got involved in the organization of my comrades for the quest for our well-being and that of our families. Which was something we could never have. I moved on to the next stage, that of unionization, where I had more responsibility and power to help my sister vendors in the struggles. My status as a trader and union organizer enabled me to win many negotiations with the authorities. But that was not enough to help women thrive and have decent working conditions. And the mere fact of being able to make demands and pleas for these women at all levels of government is a source of pride for me despite all the difficulties I encounter. To you brave heroines whose survival and that of the family depends on the street, if I had a superpower, I would give you back your DIGNITY!