Xidmat-ISH educates youth of Azerbaijan on the drug addiction issue and its consequences
Recently, on February 19, 2016, Xidmat-ISH, StreetNet affiliate from Azerbaijan, held a training workshop for youth in Baku Business College on the theme "Fighting drug addiction." 250 young boys and girls attended the activity. “The theme is very relevant, as the age of addicted is getting younger. It is a big danger for the health […]
Cities Alliance Liberia Programme Inception Workhop, 22-24 February 2016
StreetNet International and its affiliate in Liberia (NAPETUL) and WIEGO (Women in Informal Economy: Globalizing and Organizing) will participate in the programme inception workshop for the Cities Alliance Liberia programme from 22-24 February at Monrovia City Hall. According to the concept note for the meetings, the workshop will provide Cities Alliance members and partners active […]
First visit of Rwanda Kenya exchange visit
StreetNet International and EATUC (East African Trade Union Confederation) organised a programme of exchange visits between their affiliates in Kenya and Rwanda. The first visit took place in Rwanda from November 9th to November 12th 2015. The purpose of exchange visits was to learn more about the organizations’ experiences. KENASVIT was the visiting organization with […]
FTUEU discusses a newly adopted ILO Recommendation 204
In December 2015, in the framework of the Solidarity Center Project in Ukraine, Free Trade Union of Entrepreneurs of Ukraine (FTUEU), affiliated to the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Ukraine (KVPU) and StreetNet Affiliate, hosted one-day workshop “ILO Recommendation 204 as a tool to improve the lives and working conditions of informal workers”. The […]
StreetNet affiliate from Azerbaijan helps street vendors in villages and promotes ILO Recommendation 204
In the framework of creating favorable conditions for street traders, Federation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan "Xhidmat-ISH" started negotiations with the local municipal authorities. According to the negotiations, there are already first small, but successful results. The municipalities of the village Vandam, Gabalinsky district and village Kharkhar, Gadabeksky district have been working on installing facilities […]
The activity took place at Tsévie, in a city situated at 40km north from Lomé the capital of Togo.Thirty three (33) leaders among which twenty two (22) women from Lomé and from Tsévié participated in the works of this seminary. The participants are informal market and street vendors, craftsmen, hairdressers, tailors, mechanics and jewelers. The […]
Country Programme in Liberia
The Cities Alliance, a global partnership for urban poverty reduction and the promotion of the role of cities in sustainable development will fund a project for National Petty Traders’ Union of Liberia, StreetNet’s affiliate, by January 2016. The main objective is to improve inclusive economic growth and strengthen the capacity of NAPETUL to negotiate with […]
StreetNet launches New Manifesto and hosts Social Solidarity Workshop
StreetNet launched a new manifesto campaign and hosted a social solidarity workshop. These two activities were part of the Flow project. This was held in Lome, Togo from the 13-15 April for affiliates from Ghana, Benin and Togo Launching of the StreetNet International New Manifesto Campaign This launching ceremony took place in Lomé, Togo on […]
Xhidmat-ISH hosts Capacity Building Workshop
With the support of StreetNet and the FLOW Project, Federation of Trade Unions of Azerbaijan "Xhidmat-ISH" organised a capacity building workshop on the topic "Forms, methods and tactics of negotiation" in Baku city, Azerbaijan. The workshop was facilitated by an experienced ILO trainer, Vsevolod Barbanyagra. Twenty-seven trade union activists attended the workshop, 16 of whom […]
Moldova-Business-Sind holds Social Solidarity Economy Workshop
On February 25-28, 2015, at the sanatorium Bucuria-Sind Ltd., the Federation of Trade Unions Moldova-business-sind held a workshop on “Social Solidarity Economy”. The activity was also attended by representatives of the trade union of workers of trade, public catering, consumer cooperatives, hotel and restaurant services SindLUCAS (IUF affiliate). Thirty two representatives of primary trade union […]